Virtual CME : TRIAS Electronic Medical Records

Meeting ID: 833 9748 0691
Passcode: 008033
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TRIAS is a new Electronic Medical Records system that is being used at Kompiam District Hospital. I believe most, if not all Rural Hospitals do not yet have an electronic system. 

In this session, a demo will be done by the founder himself on the TRIAS application. It’s you the rural doctors who will really assess and recommend or not recommend for your respective hospitals. The aim of the PNG Rural/Remote Society is to encourage two or three other hospitals to trial TRIAS and see if it is workable, or if it is a system that can be used in all rural hospitals. I encourage all rural doctors to please attend the virtual demo session. We are the voice of rural health, and that includes recommending new medical technologies to rural areas. 

The Christian Health services are looking into TRIAS with great interest and our input will really help in decision-making. So please do attend and together we can influence decision-making to advance rural health services. 

Cheers all


President, PNG SRRH