Dr Siaelo Panta is MMed Rural Medicine registrar working at Misima District Hospital on Misima Island in Milne Bay Province

In a bid to help our MMed Rural Medicine registrars prepare for their part 1 exams we have asked a few of them to share on topics relevant to their surgical assignments and upcoming exams.

Brush up on your surgical infection knowledge, push our registrars to expand their learning or tune in to help your own preparation to complete your surgical assignments and exams.

In Service Is Key

June 6-9th 2022 saw the Nazarene Health Ministries (NHM) reach out to the officers-in-charge of their 9 rural health centre facilities and bring them to home base for some long overdue investment in their professional medical knowledge.

Per the words of Dr mark Crouch:

What a privilege to take part in teaching and training for the Officers-in-Charge at NHM’s Rural Health Services clinics.  Coming from Madang, Southern Highlands, Morobe, Jiwaka Provinces – as well as NCD – it was the first time NHM collected these impressive people together to create fellowship and impart some practical tools for improving the care they provide at our rural health sites.

Included in the week’s activities were updates on record keeping and reporting, refreshers on TB and HIV care, a maternity skills workshop, and training in the proper maintenance and use of solar power.

Pleased to be a part of this and many thanks to our workers and our Rural Health Services director – Gabriel Mahisu (DGN, MPH) – for making this happen!

Dr Mark Crouch seated with Sr Leah (OIC PHS, NGH) practising vaginal delivery manoeuvres on the mannequin

Dr Mark Crouch demonstrating the same with NHM rural health facilities OICs

Nazarene Health Ministries operates the Nazarene General Hospital in Kudjip in Jiwaka province as well 8 health centres scattered throughout the mainland of Papua New Guinea.