Debate pending during the Annual Medical Symposium

This years Annual Medical Symposium, to be held at the Caritas Hall, East Boroko in Pt Moresby promises to see the debate on rural doctors pressed further.

At Tuesday lunch, a formal debate will be held on the resolution “Training doctors to work in rural areas is likely to make NO significant difference to the health of rural Papua New Guineans.” 

So far as we know, its the first time a debate has ever been conducted at the Symposium and comes at a time when the discussion has been hot in the media. Headlines such as “Rich Doctors” (refusing to go and work rural) has seen plenty of passionate comments exchanged on social media platforms.

There will be 8 debaters; For the Affirmative Team – Dr Trevor Kelebi (Rural Specialist, Sandaun PHA), Dr James Naipao (National Doctors Association), Dr Athanasius Kari (MMED Rural 2nd year and Med Super at Raihu Hospital), and media personality Scott Waide from EMTV news.

For the Opposing team we have Dr Magdelene Taune (MMED Rural year 6 from Mingende Hospital), Dr Nora Dai (Womens Doctors Association), Prof Glen Mola (needs little introduction to all doctors in PNG), and Dr Kapua Kapua (final year resident – representing the undergraduate trainees.)

It promises to be a very lively event and hopefully will continue to stoke the discussion about the inequities in health care in PNG.