5th year UPNG MBBS students going rural – and loving it!

The last 2 years as seen the School of Medicine and Health Sciences at UPNG revive its rural exposure for final year students.

During the 1970’s PNG had a rural health program for medical undergrads that was world leading, but unfortunately this was allowed to slide. However with assistance from the Australian Govt through its HECS program, the School has now invested in this important 8 week rotation. Students are being flown all over the country to rural hospitals, often partnering with MMED (Rural) grads or registrars.

Buckle up - flying to Lapalama HC
Buckle up – flying to Lapalama HC

The result has been a tangible excitement amongst the 5th years for their upcoming “rural block”. Currently students are being sent to Mingende (Simbu), Kompiam (Enga), Raihu (Aitape, Sandaun), Veifa (Central), and more recently to Vunapope in ENB. We are looking to expand the number of hospitals being used, so contact the Society if your hospital may be interested in hosting 5th years.

Around the fire - Tekem, Enga
Around the fire while on patrol – Tekem, Enga